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Personal Jokes and Stories

*Dirty Birds
*Crab Apples
*I see you baby
*Back of the bus!
*What do you think we are on F*%&#*$ mars?!!
*Little Man
*Bad Boys Bad Boys Whatcha Gon Do?
*It better not be the piece of glitter on Jess's face!
*Bling Bling Blllling Bliiinggg
*Arggg Skeletor!
*Tastes like spicy grass
*You DIP!
*Deb whistle
*Brita will kick your ass
*Ding and Dong
*Parties at Ricks
*TK Pride
*Stealing stuff
*Sarah Doyle does not like climbing mountains!
*Super Steve and McGovern
*Die in Brians room
*get OOOOOut -right Steve?
*I like microphones at WCSU
*Scott's gonna die
*TK Pride, now and forever
*100 PLUS
*Chunky peanut butter
*Dancing on the court
*you wanna talk smack now huh?

Volleyball Team and Steve on top of Mount Monadnock
Marla, Deb, Vanessa, Katie, Me, Steph, Brita, Scooter, DAnie< Christine, Sandy, Abbe, Amy, Steve, Jess
*Perfect 10's
*Peppermint Patties
*Touch him and say hi...yeha see ya
*You cant say that outloud
*Wasn't me
*Umm..what was that? (Water at TC)
*Phi Kapp until 5:30 am
*3 girls in one bed
*Jumping out of Ricks window
*Painting parties
*3D projects on the Owls Nest quad
*Think he is gonna call?
*Wanna eat?
*Nancy Drew, Pamela Anderson and ?
*Alpha and Phi Kapp
*Piper, James Dean, Porn Star, BB, DS, C squared, Master P ... oh the list goes on and on
*How come the blondes are in the front seat, this car is unbalanced,were going to die!
*Gorilla, Grandma, Kick
*Steph hurry up!
*Jess P A T I E N C E
* sandlas at KMart
*Bitch boots
*Glitter, glitter and more glitter
*Ripley stole my potato sticks!
*Away message wars
*Can I borrow.....?
*Whats his SN?
*Please hold
*Want some Jellybeans,HERE HAVE SOME
*My butt broke the window
*Look you can see down your dress
*It looks cute
*Eh, I'm over it!
*Shower cap and sunglasses, plus leopard pants and boots = HOT
*Sand courts
*Driving around Keene
*"Every little thing that we do...I LOVE THIS SONG!!How many licks? Put it on me. Don't think Im Not."- Oh the list is too long!
*Pearl Street over winter break
*"Now you are going to smell like cheese all night!"
*Who fell into the car anyway?
*It means "Hi my cat is gay"
*"Did you see that kid with the mullett?..yeah I am scared"
*The witch made me do it
*Christopher Robin la la la....Just cause she dance the go go la la la - way to mix it up Jess
*Turn on the light!No seriously Kristin turn on the light!
*Steph how are you awake right now.....CAUSE ITS BREAKFAST!!!

Steph, Jess and Kristin
Kappa Gamma, Duke and Owls Nest 7
*Liz's birthday cake in 810's lounge
*Merry Christmas
*Honeymoon in Hawaii
*You owe me, well you better like it, I hope you would anyway, it involves a bed, well maybe not a bed, could be anywhere
*Mario Party
*Maxwell colors party, Gak and the lobster
*Running to 810 at 430 in the am
*Craiglow wont fail you
*Please come to our sisters and friends
*KR dates at PMD
*Lauren's Pink coat
*Bad Kids
*Duck Murder
*Peanut butter and grapes doorknobs
*Mere bunny ad Kristin bunny
*Liz do you have any shoes?
*No you dont need to lay out the futon
*Mermaids and Monkeys
*Bad influences
*Studying for geology
*B and I teammates at the Kr picnic
*"Yeah your not so suave!"
*Court techno dancing
*Kristin did you write a paper about??
*We couldnt catch the guy who stole the hot pot I swear!
*You like weenies?
*Mere you hit the fire alarm
*George and Simon
*Stupid Bitch!
*Kristin you just gotta leap or dance...
*Lauren thanks for walking me home ;)
*Can I use your car?
*Lauren's singing
*Wanna go to flex?
*NIce clothes
*Green zip up
*I can sleep through anything
*Billy's bare ass
*Mere's tantrums :)
*Hoodrat Hoodrat Hoochie Mama
*Just cause she drives a volvo, it dont make her a ho no
*Orange cones on the little kids head
*Staying up until the plane ride
*Lets just leave our luggage here
*I love you
*Leaving my laundry across the street over night
*Frat pick-ups

Sad to say that I cant think of too many this semester..... I will give two to Steve though....1- who has two thumbs and likes blowjobs???? :) and 2- YOU CAN'T HOOK UP WITH A T-SHIRT

My buddy Noah on the right...
Saint John
*Dick Fuck
*dead lizards
*Jager bombs, Pepper bombs, Strawberry Shortcake, Mango Dacquir's, Blueberry Hills, Passion Thang, Scoobie schnacks, Red Headed Sluts, Blackout punches, Lotta Vodka little cran,
*HAPPY HOUR at Woody's
*Babies and beer bottles
*Man at Solomon with 3 different G-strings
*Sketchy scuba divers and snorklers
*Fish that bite your toe rings
*Photo Hunt and Larry's Landing
*Dreams and Dragonflies
*Umm maybe we can get a little icecream
*"I'm NOT drinking tonight!"
*failed parasailing trips
*The boys -JEFFREY!, Patio, Chad, Todd, Brett, Rich, Squints, Steve, Jimmy, Noah, Brandon, Andy, Thomas, Rich, Nelson, Teddy, Rehu(Sp?), Kenny, The guy who wouldn't give Jess his shoes, Mike, Mike, and more Mikes, Tony and Brothers, Jim, Andy and TEXAS, Jo-Jo, Miko, Lukas, Randy, Runie, Who were the guys from the first night Joe?? who knows they bought us drinks, Pablo, Keith, Jazz, RJ, RJ's brother, the group that bought us tequilla and grand marnier?? so many that I met drunk and I have no idea what their names are now
*Liz passing out on hotel desks
*So many late night phone calls with cell phones
*body shots
*fake tatoos
*jumping off the boat naked on Norman Island
*sea turtles, stingray and locals and Hawksnest
*boat trip with the boys to all the beaches
*the wonderful Woody's girls - Jen, Laura, Ivan, Jordan, Ashley, Megan, E-Dawg, Kristi
*Charging iguanas
*This shit is noise
*Where to eat? Chicken sandwiches at Rumbalaya, good food at the Lime Inn, shitty service at the Fishtrap, Scandal at Duffy's, fried at Woody's, Pasta at Cafe Roma, BBQ and Joe's, nice view at the Banana Deck, lounging at the Beach Bar, Pizza at the Tamarid...too many choices but we hit them all
*passing out in the hotel lounge
*Crazy drivers
*you can drink and drive as long as you have a shirt and are wearing a seatbelt
*Jeffrey's tours of the island
*sand at Cinnamon
*jumping fish at Trunk
*Liz your a tramp.....oops I was going to say champ or trooper and well it came out wrong! oops
*Eyes buggin out
*THE MUSIC - gospel time, strength of a woman, black betty, blinded by the light, anything by kenny chesney, more to come...
*waiting for Thomas until 4:30 in the morning and he still doesn't show
*Jess are you an ostrich? Why is my head in the sand?
*Showers with the clothes still on
*Jeffrey showing Liz how to fight and her letting the locals grab her neck
*Jess in the road
*Miko and his fight
*Kristin you dance like your from the city
*that is it im not going out!

*Jeffrey wants a skinny girl with big tits and lots of money
*Liz and Jeffrey talks about shit
*Jess getting into "trouble"
*Kristin's burnt shoulders that EVERYONE talked to me about...hey it doesnt hurt!
*downloading music in the hotel
*Jeffrey and Patio homosexual chats
*Let's bring him home I think I know him
*Stumbling walks
*5:30 walk to see the sunset...mmm kinda....
*Brandon falling out of the boat
*Oprah, Bart, Wade and Gloria
*Patio and all the locals at Hawksnest
*Life vests and beer in the ocean
*Krit what are you drinking? Umm Trapezoids!?! (Its funny because they are definately NOT Trapezoids!)
*One complaint and you go home
*dancing, dancing and more dancing
*Jeffrey's lobster HUGE!!!
*Sleeping by the pool
*the many attempts to go to Jost Van Dyke
*the shopping trip to St. Thomas when all the stores were closed so we waited an hour and a half to get back on the ferry, so we flirted with the coast guard
*Liz are you sleepin?
*Starfish market
*Scary lady that yelled at Liz when we tried to go parasailing
*Quiet Mon and the many glasses of ice water we all consumed there
*Late night party at Woody's, Todd tore it up with his shirt off to Kenny Chesney!
*Being scared to go back into town the next day because we had no idea what happened the night before
*getting dressed and the drama it caused
*Larimar and coral plus the island hooks, yeah anyone still over in Saint John feel free to send me one, address can be given by request ;) jsut kidding
*the 8 rolls of film we took and the digital
*Duffy's glasses, so much for getting one of each!
*broken foot, unexplained bruises and inflammed liver
*late night skinny dipping
*Krit you can't tell your mom that!
*Kissin 5 guys...why not it is just like huggin
*retard dance, cheerleader, lost shoe and climbing the coconut tree
*half hour trips to St.Thomas to say goodbye to Thomas
*iguanas everywhere
*last minute pictures
*job offers
*high school steal drum band - wonderful by the way!
*Jeffrey's shortcut