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Here are the Boys

Of course when we were in St. John we met amazing guys. So I had to create a page just for them!

Brandon, Patrick, Noah and Liz

Brandon and Noah stayed at our hotel. They are both from Atlanta. These were the guys we rented a boat with and had a great time! Patrick we like to call Patio, he is from Lee, MA. Gotta love Patio.

Andy and Jess
This is Andy. We met him one night at Woody's. He has lived on the island all his life.
Chad is one of the owners of Woody's. He also dated my girl Jess for awhile.
Jess and Jeffrey
We met Jeffrey as we rolled our luggage up to the hotel. Jeffery acted as our body guard, tour guide and great friend. I can't even describe the types of converstaions all of us had and the dancing we all did! Jeffrey is the greatest!
Laura and Todd
This is Laura and Todd. Todd is the other owner of Woody's. He is Chad's twin. This was the night Todd let it all out at the Woody's afterparty! It was a crazy night that I would love to re~live.
Squints and Liz
Squints was one of the Miami guys. We learned that when Squints gets drunk he uses toothpicks to keep his eyes open. We didn't see it but we figured out how he got his nickname.
This is Thomas. He is a bartender at Duffy's. Jess introduced us to him on the first night. He is one of the greatest guys we met there. Something in his eyes I think...
Jim and Liz
Yeah this guy we referred to as Texas. He claimed he was single yet wore his wedding band on his thumb. MMM oh well we had a good time with Texas and his buddies.
Jess and Brett
Brett is also from Miami. He was the guy we were supposed to meet at Jost but we never showed. Brett also introduced us to Pepperbombs..again and again and again...
Liz and Rehu
Rehu is a funny man. We saw him at Woody's almost every night. He certainly knows how to dance and is a real sweetheart!
RJ and Patio
RJ is a bartender/waiter at the Lime Inn. He is a good friend of Patio's. Often we saw RJ late night at Woody's or Quiet Mon.
The trio with Miko
Miko works at Duffy's but we met him at Larry's Landing. He is from MA. Miko was in charge of making sure Liz made it home ok one night and he was always up for dancing at Duffy's.
Jojo, Jess and Steve
The first night we met JoJo he yelled at us and so I decided to yell back. We made up the next night and he apologized. It's cool though because we hung out and he is a good guy. He is the bartender at the Quiet Mon. As for Steve. Steve is a good friend of Jess and soon a friend of ours. He was out with us almost every night. He gave us all tatoos, fake or course, and was our savior the night Jess decided to get a little bit too drunk. He was the one to roll her into bed, get dead lizards out of her hair and then laugh about it the next morning!
Kenny and Jess
Who can forget Kenny, right Liz? Well Kenny we met at Duffy's and we danced with him everynight and damn he can dance.

Jess thank you for introducing us to all of your wonderful friends. Without them this trip would have never been as much fun as it was! And for the guys we met just those few nights you were all a riot, thanks for the memories.